Teaching and Outreach
- SpinWearables science through art educational kit
- A small, colorful, programmable, wearable kit to facilitate student exploration of physics, engineering, and computer science.
- Optics and Quantum Electronics Seminar
- A seminar series at MIT hosting some of the best researchers in the field. I joined the organizing committee in 2020, expanding the seminar into publicly accessible online series
- Quantum Huddle Seminar
- Organized seminar to bring scientists together from fields that are seemingly unrelated but are dedicated to the goals of controlling and exploiting quantum systems. Establishing contact between these fields and spark a discussion about topics that we know from our respective perspectives but now introduced in an interdisciplinary light. Summer 2020.
- Weekly Physics Olympiad Lectures
- I lead weekly online lectures for preparation for the International Physics Olympiad. Anyone is welcome to join. The lectures are in Bulgarian. Ongoing since 2020.
- Yale Prize Teaching Fellowship
- For my work as a TA for MENG 404 "Medical Devices Design and Innovation" I was awarded the Prize Teaching Fellowship for 2016-2017. "The Prize Teaching Fellowships recognize outstanding performance and promise as a teacher. They are considered among the most important honors that Yale bestows upon graduate students."
- Engineering Day for School Children
- Under the umbrella of SWE I design and coordinate outreach activities in engineering, robotics, and electronics at Yale. I received the Yale Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Public Service award for this work. From 2016 to 2020.
- I was the 2016-2017 coordinator for GSI, a large half-day science outreach event held 4 times a year at the Yale Physics Department.
- in Bulgarian - Висше във Франция
- Често полувачам въпроси относно висшето образование във Франция от български гимназисти които желаят да кандидатстват там. На тази страницa описвам моите преживявания във френската образователна система около 2010.