A Few Lines of Python for Beautiful Rendering of Literate Programs

For one of my educational project, a small electronic jewelry-like device meant to teach kids how to program through an artistic platform, we needed a way to present programs as stories that are pleasant to read. The Literate Programming style fulfills these requirements perfectly. Moreover, literate programming is a very …

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Yale Quantum Institute Art Installation on Non-contextual Hidden Variable Theories

My current institution, the Yale Quantum Institute, a leading research center on quantum computing, has had an Artist in Residence program for the last year, initiated by our manager Dr. Florian Carle. During the year Martha Lewis has been part of the institute, setting up multiple exhibits and working with …

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Heated Bracelet

This is my simple and rather amateurish heated bracelet built around an attiny.

The heating pad

First of all, I used a simple resistive heater “e-textile” as a heat source. It is driven by a PWM signal that switches a transistor.

The heater is close to the skin, then on top of it …

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A DIY EEG (ECG) Machine

For the moment it is only ECG.

A few months ago I started working on a DIY EEG machine with a bio-major undergrad friend of mine. Here is my attempt at writing a lab notebook for the project after the fact.

The First Prototype

The very first prototype was based …

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